Happiness Is the Supreme Motivation
We base every decision we make on how the consequences of our choices affect our overall happiness. We wrap birthday gifts because seeing our loved ones joyfully tear off the paper while wondering what could be inside makes us a little happier than just handing over an unwrapped gift. We donate to charities because helping others increases our own happiness. We watch cartoons and read comic strips even if they don't add anything productive to our day because we want to feel a moment of happiness. We go to therapy to find happiness when we feel it is missing from our lives.
We will even create pain in our lives if we believe that it will lead to happiness. We go to jobs we hate because we believe that the money or status from that job will lead to happiness. We develop anxiety because we believe that it will help us hang on to things that make us happy. We will take drugs that destroy us because we believe that the high will make us happy. We will even do something unthinkable, like torture or murder, if we think that it is necessary to bring us long-term happiness. We may even kill ourselves to achieve happiness in the afterlife.
Life Without Happiness Is Not Worth Living
Happiness even surpasses the need to survive. A person who has no hope of ever being happy may commit suicide and cease to exist rather than try to survive in a depressed state. Without hope of future happiness, we have no reason to go on.
The only way we continue to convince ourselves to move forward, even through the struggles, instead of giving up, is to find something that gives us the hope that happiness will once again return.
Hoping for Happiness
If we were simply emotionless computers, we wouldn't need religions, cultural traditions, art, literature, music, dance, philosophy, stores filled with luxury items we don't need, and beauty products. We would be content to have only what we need to survive and feel physically comfortable. But philosophy and the arts do exist and all because they give us hope that they will somehow lead us to happiness. The remind us of happy moments and give us hope that such moments will happen again. They tell of possible future moments of happiness. They even whisk us into our imaginations where we fantasize about happy moments that may seem impossible.
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